The StoriesAntibiotic Therapy
Candida Therapy
Chinese Medicine
Alternative Medicine & Detoxing
Conventional Medicine
Requests for storiesClick here This section was created for you to share your success story and give hope to others. If you think that your story can't help someone you are wrong, it can! In the past couple of years I have watched people give advice based on their experiences and help others a countless number of times on IC message boards. The problem with message boards is that posts disappear and are replaced with other posts. Leaving something that could have helped someone a part of history. This board will provide an opportunity for your successes to stay permanent for others to read. For those who have recovered from IC this board is an opportunity to leave your story behind. Please remember what it was like before you got well and how much you needed to hear from others. I know I was desperate to. Your story can be as long or as short as you would like it to be. You may share your successes in either of the following category:
Thank you in advance for your desire to help and for caring so much about others. |